Rear End Collision Repairs
One of the most common types of car accidents is rear-end collisions. Some people don’t even consider them as car accidents because they happen so frequently – especially in Auckland traffic. However, it’s vital to think of them as genuine car accidents and not just a fender bender or nose-to-tail. It’s essential you have your vehicle checked after a rear end collision. Even if you think the damage is minor or not worth repairing. It’s not enough to just look for damage to your bumper.
Here are five common things to look for after a rear end collision – including hidden damage:
Electrical Issues
The obvious thing to check is that your vehicle’s lights still work after the collision. However, sometimes people are in a hurry and just quickly look to see if there are any cracks in the lights. Even if there aren’t any visible cracks or broken lights. There may be underlying damage to your vehicle’s electrics. It’s best to test your brake lights and your indicators to ensure they all still work after an accident. And turn your lights on to make sure your rear lights work.
Additionally, the other electrical issue that a rear end collision may cause is damage to the electrics connected to your boot. If you have a boot that opens remotely, check that it still works. Press the button on the boot to check it. And use the button on your remote to ensure that your boot opens using either option.
Cracked Windows
The impact of a rear end collision may crack a window or two. Hence, make sure you don’t just check the rear window if you’re the party who has been hit from behind. Also, take a look to make sure the side windows haven’t somehow cracked on impact. It may sound strange, but the speed and angle of impact can do funny things to a vehicle. Similarly, if you have hit someone, check your windscreen for cracks. But also check your other windows to see if there is impact damage to those as well.
Damaged Tow Bar or Tow Ball
If you have a tow bar on your car, and you’ve been hit from behind. Perhaps the tow bar and ball have taken the brunt of the accident. This could mean the damage to your bumper or the rear of your car is less than it would be if you didn’t have a tow bar. Which is great and mean cheaper repairs. However, it’s important to have the tow bar checked by a mechanic. The structural integrity or strength of the tow bar may be affected by the collision. You don’t want to find out the hard way next time you’re towing a trailer or boat. Or the next time you load up the bikes on the bike rack. This is especially important if there is any rust around the tow ball. There could be hidden damage or structural weakness that you cannot see.
Cracked or Damaged Chassis
A rear end collision, no matter how minor, often causes damage to the chassis of your car. This is the main framework that acts as the core of your vehicle. It is also the centre point for the other main components and the frame that gives it strength and stability. The suspension system and steering system are attached to the chassis, and the engine is mounted on the chassis. Therefore, any damage to your vehicle’s chassis can affect the stability and performance of your car. As well as the safety of you and your passengers.
Sometimes you can see damage to your chassis. But often, this is hidden damage that is only detected once you bring your car to a mechanic.
Panel Beaters Auckland
Therefore, you can see that the innocent little fender bender can result in several serious issues. We always recommend you bring your car in to see us at Mt Roskill Collision Centre whenever you’ve been involved in an accident. Even if it’s just a minor rear-ender. We firmly believe that it’s better to be safe than sorry. A quick check could save you hundreds of dollars of damage down the track. It could even save your life.
The Mt Roskill Collision Centre Promise
Our goal is to have everyone on New Zealand roads driving safely. We offer a lifetime guarantee on our car repairs from our panel beating and collision repair service centre in Mt Roskill, Auckland. Contact us online or call us on 0800 227 762 for a free quote or to book an appointment.